Banana Pepper | Baji Chilli


The banana pepper (also known as the yellow wax pepper or banana chili) is a medium sized member of the chili pepper family that has a mild, tangy taste. These peppers got that name because of their bright yellow color. It is often pickled, stuffed or used as a raw ingredient in foods. Its flavor is not very hot, but its hotness depends on the maturity of the pepper. Treat them like other Capsicum annuum varieties, as they require no special treatments or considerations. Plants will typically reach 1 to 2 feet tall and can be grown in many climates, though like most pepper plants, prefer warmer climates

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The banana pepper (also known as the yellow wax pepper or banana chili) is a medium sized member of the chili pepper family that has a mild, tangy taste. These peppers got that name because of their bright yellow color. It is often pickled, stuffed or used as a raw ingredient in foods. Its flavor is not very hot, but its hotness depends on the maturity of the pepper. Treat them like other Capsicum annuum varieties, as they require no special treatments or considerations. Plants will typically reach 1 to 2 feet tall and can be grown in many climates, though like most pepper plants, prefer warmer climates

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