Green Chilli | Pacha Mulaku


Green chillies, scientifically known as Capsicum frutescens a common vegetable used in Indian kitchens for their spicy taste. Chilli plants usually require an airy soil which is well drained. As the chilli plants grow, provide support such as stakes or cages to prevent them from falling over due to the weight of the fruit. Red colour in chili is due to “Capsanthin”. Pungency in chillies is due to the active constituent “Capsaicin”, an alkaloid, is extracted from chillies and is used to medicine.



Common Name:- Mirch, Pacha Mulaku

Green chillies, scientifically known as Capsicum frutescens a common vegetable used in Indian kitchens for their spicy taste. Chilli plants usually require an airy soil which is well drained. As the chilli plants grow, provide support such as stakes or cages to prevent them from falling over due to the weight of the fruit. Red colour in chili is due to “Capsanthin”. Pungency in chillies is due to the active constituent “Capsaicin”, an alkaloid, is extracted from chillies and is used to medicine.